24 September 2011

World of Tanks - Matilda first to hit 500 battles

The Matilda is the first tank that has reached the 500 battle mark! It has taken about 33 and a half hours to get to this stage, but this medium Tier 5 has provided me with a lot of XP and cash, no need to state that its crew is the most advanced in the fleet (currently 256%). The crew will be transferred to the T-54 when this medium arrives (hopefully before the end of the year).

The Matilda has killed 456 targets and the enemy number 1 spot is shared by the T-28 and M3. For the stat-fans a few more numbers:

Total XP - 222269
XP average - 444
max XP - 1522
Wins - 243 (48.6%)
Shots - 5321
Hits - 3528 (66.3%)
Spotted enemies - 587
Base capture points - 709
Base defense points - 324

If you have some gold, this is a great purchase to make some money and XP!

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