8 September 2011

World of Tanks - Object 704 arrived in garage

After a few weeks of grinding, the Soviet top Tank Destroyer Object 704 has arrived in the garage. Immediately the BL-10 and other possible parts were fitted, and after more than 4.000.000 credits spent, the vehicle is battle ready.

As you can see in the picture, a skin has been installed (for local game enhancement). After playing 5 games with this monster, it already states number 2 on the list of average XP per battle. And that is playing with the TD as a newbie. I have high hopes this will be a great investment, and will take out the Maus and E100 on occasion. The crew is the same as the one on the ISU-152. After a retraining they are now active on the Object 704. Also the camo and the binoculars have been demounted from the 152 and fitted on the 704.The ISU-152 is now running with a 50% crew (newly recruited) and without any additional mounted equipment. But will be elited after about an additional 20000 xp (will blog when this is done)

Next grind: IS-4!

(edit.... just killed the first E100, Maus to follow soon)

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